What to Do with Left-Over Pumpkins
Do you have extra pumpkins sitting around your house that you don’t know what to do with? There are some great ways you can reuse a pumpkin without throwing it out.
1) Turn the pumpkin into a pumpkin pie. Split the pumpkin open and take out the seeds (don’t throw these away, see #2). Then cook the pumpkin in the oven on 350° for about an hour or until it is soft. Then scrape out the pulp and substitute it for canned pumpkin in any pumpkin pie recipe.
2) Roast the pumpkin seeds they taste great. Cut open a pumpkin and take out the seeds. Clean off the seeds really good, to get off all the pulp. Then put some oil and salt on the seeds and cook then in the oven on 350° for on each side for five to seven minutes, or until crispy.
3) Since Thanksgiving is right around the corner, you can turn a pumpkin into a turkey. Paint a face on the pumpkin and add some brightly colored feathers. By doing this you will have an easy Thanksgiving dinner centerpiece.