Top 10 Best-Dressed at Homecoming
During the week of Homecoming, everyone dressed up for the different themes but what most people were looking forward to was the dance. There were a lot of people dressed nicely but only ten made my favorites list:
10.) Crystal Howard-“The Eye-Catcher”
9.) Gwen Childers -“Spaghetti-Strap Barbie”
8.) Lily Smith- “The Head Turner”
7.) Samanta Echavez- “Fierce Fusia”
6.) Miguel Gaines- ” The Silk Stand Out”
5.) Yoni – “Black Dahlia”
4.) Mandy Facer- “The Showstopper”
3.) Christina Glass-” Pretty Pixie”
2.) Esraa Odeh- “Original designer”
1.) Mrs. Boscolo- “Hip Hot Pink”
Those were my top ten favorites of the night . But everyone looked GREAT!
Special thanks to our photographer Cody Bralts for the pictures.