Senior Seminars
On Friday, October 9 seniors had seminars about what to do after high school in different rooms on the first and second floors throughout the school while the sophomores and juniors tested.
The Echo conducted a survey for the seniors to see what they had to say about the seminars. Here are the results:
Thirty percent of seniors said they were confused about what the seminars were for. Fifteen percent didn’t go to them because they were not required or they had other things to do. Some had doctor’s appointments during them and couldn’t make it. Five percent of the students said it was boring and they shouldn’t have gone. Fifty percent of the students thought that they were really helpful and the seminars helped with their life plans after high school.
There were many seminars that you could have gone to including: Certified Nurse’s Assistant, Finding An Apartment, Needing A Job, Construction Work and Parkland College Review. Out of all of the seminars you only got to pick three choices and out of those three you got two seminars to go to instead of going to seventh and eighth hour.
While there, they gave you information on how to achieve your goals in life. You also watched a video and got information packets also on how you can go further in life.
“The seminars that I attended were easy to relate to and it helped me get an understanding in life,” said Senior Reco Gray. The overall day was very educational and exciting. This is definitely something they should have for the seniors every year.