Feeling spooky, UHS? It’s October, and that means Halloween is upon us. While some people think dressing up for Halloween ends once you graduate Elementary school, I do not believe that. At all. Halloween is our chance to channel our favorite movie stars, super heroes, horror film villains and many other characters of note. Because of the economy however, it seems many of us are tightening our budgets. If you’re like me, that means no extra money for a new costumes. But come October 31, I’m definitely going to be rocking the streets in my costume. To help other recession-aware Halloween goers, I’ve assembled a list of costumes that require little or no money at all, but capture the spirit of Halloween just the same. Happy haunting, UHS!

The Undead Bride/or Groom: Take an old formal dress or suit and make a few rips here and there. Take cotton balls and tear them so the cotton stretches, making it look like cobwebs- spread them in your hair and attach with bobby pins. Wear green and black makeup on your face (black around the eyes, green splotches everywhere else) and you could add some blood dripping from your lips if you like gore. Adding plastic spiders (available at most dollar stores in the toy sections) on your clothes and in your hair add to the decayed feel.

The Sports Fanatic: Luck has it that you or someone you know has a sports jersey, whether it’s football, baseball, volleyball, etc. Throw it on, paint your face in matching colors and walk around with a correlating sports memorabilia item that matches your sport (ex. if you’re a football fan, bring a football).

Turtle: I love turtles. I also love my grandpa. My grandpa loves big floppy hats. Where am I going with this? Well, if you have a big floppy straw hat, you can take a permanent marker or fabric paint and make circles over the hat to make a turtle shell. (I will have a picture of this to explain) Punch a hole in each side of the bill of the hat, run a piece of string through it and tie a knot in the front.

Mime: Wear black and white clothes, put on white face paint with black spots under your eyes and don’t say a word as you traipse about the neighborhood!

The Ghost: This is completely unoriginal, but it works! Take a sheet, cut out two eye slits and channel your inner Charlie Brown as a frightening ghoul.

What cool ideas do you have, UHS, for cheap or free Halloween costumes? Let’s hear it!turtle-costume-01a

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1 thought on "Halloween Costumes!"

  1. So while I was watching an episode of The Office this past week, Jim had probably one of the most effortless costumes. He wrote book across his face. “Facebook”. I thought it was clever, and it’s definitely low-cost.

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