Creepy Caramel Apples
With Halloween just around the corner, I’m sharing my favorite autumn treat recipe with you, UHS, to help celebrate the season! This recipe doesn’t take long, and it’s sure to please any spooky guests that may visit you for parties, trick-or-treating, etc. Beware though: this treat is scary-good!
Creepy Caramel Apples
-4 Granny Smith Apples
-4 Sturdy Popsicle Sticks
-One Bag of Kraft Melting Caramels
-Three Tablespoons of Water
-Chopped Nuts (Optional)
-One roll of wax paper
1. Wash and dry the apples. Remove the stems.
2. Tear a piece of wax paper out and place it in a clear area (close to your stove).
3. Slowly and gently place a popsicles stick in the center of each apple- be sure to take care with this, otherwise you’ll break your sticks.
4. Pour the Kraft melting caramels into a stainless steel pan and place them on a burner.
5. Add the three tablespoons of water with the caramel (this is so the caramels won’t completely clump together to form a lumpy mess).
6. Turn the burner on the LOWEST setting possible (so you barely have a flame).
7. With a wooden spoon, stir the caramel. Be sure to pay attention to the sides and keep the caramel moving so you don’t burn your pan.
8. Once the caramel has reached a liquid form (and no clumps remain), turn off the burner.
9. Carefully pick up your pan and tilt it so one side is downwards and the caramel collects on one end (this will allow you to immerse the apple in the caramel).
10. Take an apple and dip it in the caramel- swirl it around so all parts of the skin are covered. To get the top part by the stick, take a small ladle and gently pour caramel on top (avoid your fingers!).
11. Twirl your apple around as you take it out of the caramel so you don’t have loose strings of caramel on the bottom. Place the apple on the wax paper.
12. If you want to add nuts, you should do this now- sprinkle them on top of the hot caramel so they’ll stick.
13. Repeat with the other three apples.
Photo Credit: Mandy Facer