UHS’ Animal Rights Starts Off the School Year
The Animal Rights Club had their first meeting this school year last Thursday, September 10. This year is the club’s second year since it started in Urbana High School. The club will be doing different things this year than last year.
“I hope to have more organization this year and definitely more club involvement,” says club president, Angela Pham, sophomore.
If there were things that the club would improve on from their experiences last year, Pham says that club members who have other commitments besides the club, should continue to be involved in the club and make effort to learn.
The club also has their share of expectations for their new club members who just came in this year.
“I would like us to focus on educating others about animal cruelty. The ‘mission’ of this club is to spread awareness to our peers and we plan to do just that,” says Pham.
When Pham was asked why she wanted to be a member of the club, she said, “I’ve always had a place in my heart for animals. When my friend introduced me to articles and videos related to animal cruelty, I was horrified. I just knew i wanted to spread the word about this painful reality.”
The main goal of the ARC is to make a difference in our school, and even to the community, by education of animal rights and animal cruelty.
“If we can convince just one person to listen to us, we consider that an accomplishment that is worthy to be proud of,” says Pham. “The club is a great place to come learn in a comfortable environment with people who share similar interest.”