Holiday Kindness
This week is always one of my favorites during the school term. Maybe it’s the fact that I know I’m free for two weeks after Friday; or it could be the general excitement in the hallways as the holidays draw closer. This week, I encourage all of you to show your holiday spirit as winter break approaches.
Sometimes it can be hard to show kindness. I find myself wrapped up in my own world some days where my happiness is the only thing that matters. But no matter how bad my day is, I’ve really started trying to not focus on that. “I” am not the only person who matters. By any means. Why should I keep my energy focused on myself when there’s someone out there who needs a friend or a helping hand? The truth is, service towards another will make YOU happier- did you know that? Part of our humanity is wanting to help our fellow man; when we help someone else, we ultimately help ourselves.
This week, try to give some of your time to another. Whether it’s holding the door open for a wind-blown student or sacrificing your seat on the bus for someone who needs it more, your service could make a difference in someone’s day. Happy holidays, UHS!
Stay kind.