The Me Nobody Knew by Shannon McLinden


13-year old girl named Shannon is very depressed and hates her life,family, friends and herself in general. She has been through so much in life that she wants to give up on it. She has been a victim of sexual assault. She never felt good enough for anything or felt that she truly belonged anywhere. She struggled with drinking and weight. She wanted to be skinny so badly that she nearly killed herself. She became anorexic without even knowing about what she was doing to her body. She also was caught up in compulsive exercising…then one day she had an epiphany. She needed to change her body because it wasn’t healthy for her. Will she ever get healthy and stay that way? Or will she continue to be a victim, falling back into her old sick and twisted ways?

This a biography you would enjoy reading in your spare time. I rate this book a 5 because it’s true, real and gritty. It’s a book for people to read if they don’t feel like they’re good enough for anything or anyone. It’s also a good story if you feel like you want to learn about what other people go through on a daily basis. You can see how other people’s lives differ from your own. This a true story and you should read about how Shannon lived to overcome her struggles.

About The Author

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