Neko What?
Neko what?
On Friday night, I saw Neko Case perform at the Canopy Club in Urbana. Neko Case, if you don’t know already, is one of the most prominent female artists on the indie music scene today. If her soul-filled, powerful voice doesn’t release endorphins from your brain, I don’t know what does.
I acquired a press pass for the event, which meant that I could bring my camera up the the very front without getting harassed by the bouncers. I also got in for free because of the pass. Upon entering, I noticed the club was absolutely packed. Given Neko Case’s newfound fame, I was not surprised in the slightest.
The opening act, soloist Sarah Harmer, was absolutely beautiful in her delivery. She mainly played folk that mixed with soul. It was pure genius and it really got the crowd pumped.
Then came Neko. With her troup of five band members — ranging from base players, to keyboard, to cello.
She started her set with a song of her new album Middle Cyclone, called “People Got a Lotta Nerve.”
She then played on for about two and a half hours, mentioned how Champaign-Urbana has the most amount of pizza joints per capita about ten times, and then proceeded to talk about more food. I think she is in love with food.
Shout out to UHS Junior, Arianna Valocchi, for making it out to the show!
For more info about Neko Case, Sarah Harmer, and more, visit
RIP Jerry Fuchs. You were an amazing drummer, and you will be deeply missed.