Kindness Outside UHS
Hello, UHS! This week I’ve been out of town, so I haven’t been around to observe your kind acts. However, I’d love to share some kindness I’ve witnessed during my travels. Afterall, kindness is universal.
Shout-Out : Man at the Midway Airport, Wednesday at 4:30 pm. A gruff looking college student had just settled into the table across from me at the food court. I was enjoying my meal and decided to people-watch a bit. An older lady approached his table and asked if she could sit with him (sharing tables with strangers was kind of a neccesity because of the mass of people who decided they were hungry at that moment). Not only did the man say yes, he went across the food court to get her a chair and carried it back to the table. He then preceded to make small talk with this woman. Props to you, college man for being such a gentlemen and taking time out of your day to be kind.
What kindness have you seen this week? Have you ever had a cool airport experience? Post it here!