Halloween Candy
Now that Halloween has passed, everyone has tons of candy. You don’t feel so bad pigging out on all the little candy bars because they seem so much smaller But be warned! They really aren’t that much smaller than a big candy bar. Two or three little ones easily make up a big one.
This is a great website that you can use to find out how many calories and how many grams of fat are in all kinds of food.
In an individual Reese’s Cup there are 92 calories and 5.32 grams of fat.
In a Butterfinger Fun Size Bar there are 100 calories and 3.92grams of fat.
In a Milky Way Fun Size Bar there are 76 calories and 3 grams of fat.
In a Skittles Fun Size Bag there are 61 calories and .66 grams of fat.
In an M&Ms Fun Size Bag there are 103 calories and 4 grams of fat.
In a Three Musketeers Fun Size Bar there are 75 calories and 2.32 grams of fat.