H1N1 Flu
Many people want to know how the H1N1/ Swine flu started. So with this blog entry, I will explore a few myths and rumors about the flu. Hopefully, you can learn about the flu from this information. I also encourage you to find out information about it.
Rumor: It’s the mostly deadly flu ever. It is even more deadly than the seasonal flu.
Truth: This rumor is false. The H1N1 flu is less deadly than the seasonal flu. It has less deaths than the seasonal flu according to European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control’s (ECDC)
Rumor: The Flu came from Mexico.
Truth: No one is exactly sure. Mexicans are saying it came from the U.S. The U.S. is saying it came from Mexico. Scientists are still trying to find out where it came from.
Below are some charts that I came across while I was looking for information and thought they were interesting. This is some information that I didn’t know about. The first chart is the number of people who were hospitalized (4,958) broken down into six categories by their age.
The next chart is the number of people who have died from H1N1 (292). This chart is also broken down into six age categories like the above one.
Charts are from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention website: http://www.cdc.gov/