You Can Do it!
Being active is something that all people should have in common. If you’re not in a sport, there should still be some sort of way that you get physical activity in your routine. It could consist of going on a walk with your dog, jogging, or even going to the gym.
“I don’t have enough money for a gym membership”
-You do not need to go to the gym to work out and not having access to a gym should never be an excuse for not working out. You can do sit ups, push ups, jumping jacks, jog around your neighborhood, go to a local park and walk, play a game involving activity with your friends (i.e. flag football, capture the flag, swim, jumping on the trampoline, etc.) and all of these things are FREE!
“I don’t have time to exercise”
-If you can find time to watch t.v., eat food when you’re bored, talk on your cellphone for ridiculous amounts of time, or do things that you don’t NEED, then you do have time to exercise. Physical activity is something that our bodies need. We should not be lazy and choose to do these other things instead. If you really are too busy to exercise, then try adding exercise to your everyday routine. Instead of taking the elevator, walk up the stairs, or you can ride your bike, or walk to your destination instead of driving. Small things can make big differences
“I play sports, so I can eat and rely only on practice for exercise”
-Although you participate in sports, you still need to watch what you eat. If you are eating all fattening food and then exercising to get ride of that food, you are never going to get past the food you ate that day. Also, athletes need to eat healthy because you do exercise so much. Practicing two hours a day is plenty, but when season is over, it is your job as an athlete to stay in shape.
Being in shape and healthy is a commitment that people need to make. Nothing feels better than the feeling after a hard workout and the calories burned!