What’s Your Plan B?
There are a lot of myths about emergency contraception. Emergency contraception, also known as “the morning after pill”, is a form of birth control that can be used to prevent pregnancy up to five days after unprotected sex (meaning sex where there was no form of hormonal contraception or a barrier method used, or it was used incorrectly). The morning after pill is NOT “the abortion pill”. It will not affect an already fertilized egg. It is merely a preventative measure, just like the pill or a condom, only it is used after the sexual encounter. If you are pregnant, you will remain pregnant. The morning after pill contains the same hormones as daily birth control pills, and works the same way, but it doesn’t have the same risks as the pill because it does not stay in your system as long. Emergency contraception can be used up to five days after unprotected sex, but is most effective the sooner you take it. Any male or female over the age of 17 can purchase emergency contraception without a prescription. It can range in price anywhere from $10-$80.
Curious? Confused? You can find more information about what emergency contraception is, how it works, possible side effects, and where to get it at: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-topics/emergency-contraception-morning-after-pill-4363.htm