What Goes Through My Ears Daily
1.Pre-Teen Violence- Mindless Self Indulgence
This is a awesome song it makes you wanna dance around the room and head-bang all at once. It has the techno beat, an the awesome bass, and guitar only MSI could provide. The name might make you go “What!?!” but it is actually pretty clean for a MSI song… of course lead singer Jimmy Urine could pull together a song about anything and it would be awesome.Even if it does chant “We’re too old for teen violence
But we’re not too old for pre-teen violence
We’re too old for teen violence
But we’re not too old for pre-teen violence” throughout the song. It is on a unreleased album (A Mindless Rip-Off) and you can’t buy it but it’s still a good song. Check It Out!
2. Boing Boing- Insane Clown Posse
The clownz we all know are back with their new album “Bang! Pow! Boom!” and it includes this track which I love and am listening to as I write this. If you get easily disturbed or grossed out you might just wanna read this and skip looking this one up. It is very catchy…it has a good wicked carnival beat. I love this song…and ICP but you have your opinion and it is probably different. If you aren’t familiar with ICP’s songs…then you might wanna skip this unless you wanna listen to it. But I warned you!
3. Hotel Room Service-Pitbull
Whether you like Pitbull or not you can’t help but love this song…it is something you’d hear in L.A. club. You have to sing the lyrics when you hear this song on the radio…you can’t help it! Pitbull mixes a Mexican beat with some hip-hop and you get a great new song to listen to when you’re driving to the mall.
4. Thriller- Michael Jackson
This is a timeless favorite that everyone knows the lyrics to. If you know the dance you’re even cooler! The music video used to scare you as Michael chased a girl, and zombies rose and danced beside Michael as a werewolf. You can never forget Michael. <3 R.I.P. Michael Jackson <3
5. Little Red Corvette-Prince
Another classic and one of my many favorites, is Prince’s hit song Little Red Corvette. It’s catchy and a song you can listen to while you drive late at night. It’s just a great song and that just explains that.