Hello! Thanks for checking out the Recognizing Kindness Blog! It’s very kind of you to drop by! The idea behind this page is to recognize the good works committed by people in the community. In a world where basic kindness is flying by the wayside, I think it’s important to promote being a nice and honorable member of society. I’m not saying we all need to be Mother Teresa, but treating your fellow man with compassion is a goal I think we should all have. This blog will highlight kind acts I witness during everyday life (like someone paying an expired parking meter or picking up the tab for a stranger at McDonalds) as well as posts on why I feel it’s important to be nice. As high schoolers, it’s easy to get lost in the “world revolves around me” mentality. However, if we can break out of our selfish bubbles for a bit and lend a helping hand, life could be better for everyone. Hopefully this blog will inspire you to commit a random act of kindness and lead a happier life. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the next kind stranger featured in a post?

About The Author

1 thought on "Welcome!"

  1. Thanks Mrs. Godoy for so helping spread the word that PTSA is about Students as well as Parents and Teachers by adding info the school website. Thanks Justin and Jen for always being so helpful.

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