Ummm Cheerleading IS a Sport
Why do so many people think that cheerleading is not a sport?
We cheerleaders have to run and stay in shape just like in any other sport! Practices can be really tough… 5x of each jump-toe-touch,left hurdler, right hurdler, left herkie, right herkie, left pike, right pike, and double toe. On top of that, WE LIFT PEOPLE! And the people that we lift have to learn how to do all kinds of crazy things (which take months to perfect). Many other sports don’t take hours and hours to perfect one trick. Not only do we have to be prepared for games, but also competitions. You are expected to have supurb form, high jumps (with excellent form in the air), strong stunts, loud cheers, and “on-rythm” dancing.
I use to think similar to many of the other people… that cheerleading could never be hard and should not be considered a “sport”, but then I tried it. I don’t think anyone should express that cheerleaders and not athletes until they actually try to live a day in the life of a cheerleader… you might be surpirsed.