My Rut Complex
It seems that during every season of every year, I get into some sort of rut. This is not necessarily a bad thing. I actually quite enjoy my seasonal ruts. Usually it’s an outfit accompanied by an album. This fall is no different. Although I’m not sure yet what the album is, I am certain of the outfit. Its more of a formula for an outfit, actually. The oversized sweater paired with leggings and booties. It’s simple and ungodly comfy. You can easily stock up on the big sweaters at Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc. for very little money. Try the men’s section for big, soft sweaters galore. Leggings are pretty basic, and I prefer black, but if you want to mix it up a bit I might try different fabrics for texture or quirky little details like buttons or zippers. As for the booties, I have a huge thing for the Secret Garden variety. As in, ankle length that lace up. But whatever boots float your boat will work. This is actually one of the few areas I would spend some money on. Boots are something that you will potentially wear everyday throughout fall and winter. Am I alone in this strange rut complex? If not, what are your favorite ruts of the season?