Movie “Nine” is Really Fine
The movie “Nine” starts out with how the movie’s main character 9, an animated doll, came into existence, and how the world around him became a barren wasteland of death and darkness. Once he ventures out into this unknown world, he soon discovers that he is not the only one of his kind and how machines run a world without humans. Soon after meeting his eight brothers, they are attacked one by one by the machines and have their souls sucked from them. During their journey through their world, they find out that the only way to stop the machines and save the souls of their friends is to find out more about how the machines took over the world and get back a talisman from the machines.
This movie was written and directed by Shane Acker and was produce by Tim Burton. The movie starred actors such as John C. Reily (Step Brothers), Jennifer Connelly (The Day the Earth Stood Still), and Elijah Wood (Lord of the Rings). In this movie Elijah, like in his past movies, takes the role of the protagonist. His role in this film is very similar to his role in the Lord of the Rings. It involves a journey to an unfamiliar place surrounded by evil which can only be defeated by a certain artifact. The movie itself however is a little dark for a PG-13 movie, with some more violent scenes in which a couple of people are killed on and off screen. Other than that it’s a real enjoyable movie which I would definitely recommend seeing.