Motorcross: Hobby or Sport?
I was talking to a friend a few days ago and the topic of sports came up. I told him about my blog, and how I have been looking for unfamiliar sports to learn about. He began telling me how he use to play lacrosse and is now into motocross. I never knew motocross was considered a sport, more like a hobby… but I thought wrong. According to, motocross is a dangerous sport. “Form of motorcycle racing in which cyclists compete on a closed course marked out over natural or simulated rough terrain. Courses vary widely but must be 1.5 – 5 km (1 – 3 mi) in length, with steep inclines, hairpin turns, and mud. Motorcycles are grouped into classes according to engine displacement (e.g., 125-, 250-, 500-cc). It is probably the most physically demanding motorcycle sport.”
He told me how people that are into motocross also want to be in shape because it affects the way the bike jumps over the mounds and how fast your bike can go. Another thing you need it good balance. I am sure it is very difficult to keep balance turning the corners going too fast and landing the jumps with equal weight.
I was really curious about this so I went home, pulled out my brothers dirt bike, and hit our “home-made” track. Unfortunately, I was too scared to go as fast as needed, and was not ready to literally jump the jumps. So I went and got my brother and told him what I was trying to do. He ran around the track for about 30 minutes and then explained to me what he discovered. He told me how when he went slowly over the hills his balance was off and difficult to maintain. Also, the same thing occurred when he went slowly around the curves. Then he explained that when he put all his weight on the bike, it went slower then when he stood on the pedals or put one knee on the seat.