Hazing at Homecoming
Homecoming is two weeks away… girls have their dresses, dinner reservations are made, and the school spirit is at an all-time high. But as we prepare for this festive and exciting time, it’s important to keep in mind how to stay safe and refrain from hazing while having fun at Spirit Week.
For people who are new to Spirit Week, Thursday is always Class Color Day. Freshmen wear green, Sophomores wear yellow, Juniors wear red and Seniors wear blue. The goal of Class Color Day is to unite each class and show pride for your year (ex. Remember the class cheers? “One-one!”, “Ten!” etc… this is when you yell them). On Friday, the classes compete against one another in the Pep Assembly to find out which class has the most spirit.
One thing I’d like to point out is our school’s policy about hazing: Folks, we don’t do it. No hairspray, markers, silly string or anything like that. The goal of Spirit Week is to unite the classes, not terrorize the underclassmen. If we can’t behave during Class Color Day, this might be the last one we have. Show class pride respectfully, not inappropriately.
All in all, have FUN during spirit week! You get to dress crazy
and show off your Tiger pride for a whole week! Let’s just keep it kind so the school can feel united in Tiger spirit, not separated by class tension. Go Tigers!