Ego-maniac or Confident?
This week, I had a random conversation with a close friend and, somehow, we got on the topic of self-confidence. I then asked her what she thinks about self-confidence, and she said it has some pros and cons. This made me think, “Does too much self-confidence turn to ego?” This seems to be a complicated question, and I’m pretty sure everyone has their own opinion about it. But I’ll try to put my say on this topic.
First of all, it really comes down as to how you define ego. Nowadays the word “ego” is often used unscientifically for the self-estimate of a person, and having a big ego means that you are holding yourself in high esteem, which is not necessarily a bad thing, although some people would not agree. I, personally, do not think ego is a bad thing. Confidence and trust on one’s self is a valuable thing. It helps a person present himself/herself in a pleasant way.
However, having too much ego would probably be considered a bad thing. Having an ‘inflated’ ego can be bad to your surroundings. It can be harmful to your relationships with other people because this affects how you interact with them and how they see you as a person. After all ego, in Latin, means “I”. Most people with big egos think that the world revolves around them.