“Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs”
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is a movie written and directed by Phil Lord, starring Bill Hader, that is based on a children’s story. The movie is about a scientist named Flint Lockwood (Bill Hader) who lives in a town called Swallow Falls. Flint isn’t a really good scientist. His inventions normally don’t work the way he wants them to, or they have a habit of going horribly wrong shortly after they’re made. Due to his record of bad inventions, his father and the rest of the town believe that he can’t build any good invention and he is arrested just for having an invention with him. That is, until one of his inventions actually does some good for him and his town. The invention he built actually has the power to change the weather to into food (rain into hamburgers, spaghetti into twisters, snow into ice cream etc.), however soon this invention turns out to be just as bad and as dangerous as his previous ones when it goes out of control and it threatens to destroy the entire world.
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs in my opinion is a good family friendly movie with a good story and a funny plot. It’s got to be one of the most creative movies I’ve seen all year. To me it was very amusing that when the main character actually did something right for his town it just blew up in his face again. I also liked how the fact that the filmed made a parody on The Day After Tomorrow, when they found out that his machine could destroy the entire world. The movie itself is hilarious and I think that a lot of people would get a really good laugh out of it. I would definitely give the movie an eight out of ten for comedy and creative plot lines. I encourage everyone when they go to the movies to consider seeing this one.