Another Great Addition to the *Joker’s Cards*
BANG! POW! BOOM! That is the name of the brand new Insane Clown Posse album. If you don’t like ICP then I would just hit the big nice BACK button up in the left hand corner. If you dare…. then stay. This new album is a great addition to the already existing JOKER CARDS, it still delivers the great wicked carnival beat that only ICP and other Psychopathic Records artists could manage. This album is a thrill from start to finish. It is a huge step from all the albums they produced back in the 1990s. Violent J has some solo songs here and there, as does Shaggy. This is what all the Juggalos and Juggalettes have been anticipating since the last album release in 2004… sure, they’ve played concerts all over and we loved it! But we wanted a new CD, some in the studio stuff! Of course Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope had the *BRAND NEW* solo albums coming out and what-not, but we wanted our boys back! Then they hit us with this and the whole world went wild!!!! This album is everything we wished for and waited for! We waited for 5 whole years! We are very happy that this is released and that you could not be disappointed with this wicked carnival masterpiece.
Track List For BANG! POW! BOOM!:
1. Intro
2. Freaky Creep Show
3. In Yo Face
4. The Bone
5. Zombie Slide
6. To Catch A Predator
7. Boing Boing
8. I Found A Body
9. Love
10. Fonz Pond
11. Imma Kill U
12. Juggalo Island
13. Vultures
14. Vera Lee
15. Miracles
16. Bang! Pow! Boom!
The tracks are a little weird…but if you have listened to or viewed the rest of ICP’s CDs you’ll completely understand. Imma Kill U is a little violent-hints name VIOLENT J- and Boing Boing is full of profanity and sexual related lyrics. Again ICP….that’s what you’ll expect. Of course, I have my favorites such as: Boing Boing, To Catch A Predator, In Yo Face, and Freaky Creep Show!
I hope you take the time to check this out.
The Joker’s Cards
Carnival Of Carnage (1992)- First Joker’s Card
Ringmaster(1994)-Second Joker’s Card
Riddle Box(1995)- Third Joker’s Card
The Great Milenko(1997)-Fourth Joker’s Card
The Amazing Jeckel Brothers(1999-Two Versions:Jack & Jake)-Fifth Joker’s Card
The Wraith: Shangri-La(2002)-Six-Point One Joker’s Card
The Wraith: Hell’s Pit(2004)-Six Point Two Joker’s Card
Bang Pow Boom(2009)-Seventh Joker’s Card
picture found at:
ICP PICTURE (Violent J-Right, Shaggy 2 Dope- Left)